Before I am a teacher, I must first be the student. This is a continuous process of growing and learning for both me and my girls. This constant state of
parenting will continue for as long as I want to be efficient in
parenting my children. I am here to help guide them, teach them, and encourage them. So first, I must know them.
There is no “cookie cutter” way of
parenting. There are useful ideas, hints, and help is always welcome, but I’ve learned that I must first discover each individual personality. Each child has their own set of "corks", their own degrees of sensitivity and individual needs.
Sometimes, I can group the girls all under the title- “my girls”, but in reality they have their own individual identity. Each girl is their own character, put forth with a different personality. When I am able to know my girls as individuals, is usually when I am most effective in teaching and taking care of them.
Isabella-Like most first born females, was born 25! Usually a nurturing, yet serious disposition…
Lex- The classic middle child. I always say I have 1, 2, 3 & 3. The twins are both considered 3! Therefore, she takes on the constant struggle between being a big girl like, Belle, and being younger like her baby sisters. Her spirit is unmatched, she rules the world…
Dani & Katie- They are our “babies”. They represent all that a child is- free spirits, which for now are vibrant and brave…
Though, each of my girls share amazing similarities and great parallels in personalities, they each encompass a wonderful uniqueness. Their similarities and differences divide as well as bring together wondrous ideas, thoughts, and great love. When I recognize each of them and appreciate the differences, is when they start to respond and accept what I am trying to teach them. I love and nurture each of them as individuals, and all as my daughters. Isabella, Alexandra, Danielle and Katherine, are my teachers…